We are fortunate and humbled to consult with families on matters of deep concern (what could be more meaningful than making good decisions on behalf of a loved one?). Rarely is this a simple transactional matter, such as providing information in response to a single question. Though we retain specialized knowledge based on our experiences which we are happy to share, our transactions are generally more complex and dynamic. Our work is particularly gratifying when it becomes collaborative, as stakeholders align around a shared understanding of what’s most important. This process transcends any one participant and leverages the enhanced wisdom of the collective team. Not always is such alchemy achieved-- nor not always is such alchemy required-- yet more often than not we are struck by how good work feels alchemical: relational, self-generating and expansive. This is what we mean sometimes when we say that process is our greatest asset and from which the best "answers" come. Often these answers are anchored in enhanced positive regard for the possibilities of our own and others' personal development.